The word accident is a noun. Accident means (1) anything that happens by chance without an apparent cause, (2) a mishap; especially one causing injury or death.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word accident.
- Accident Attorney Directory
Browse this accident attorney directory for information about accident attorneys in the USA. The photo on this page shows a slip-and-fall accident about to happen, in the form of a black, wingtip shoe about to step on a banana peel.
- Auto Body Services Careers
This auto body shop page comprises information about auto body services careers in the United States of America plus a photograph of auto accident body damage.
- Auto Body Parts
Auto body parts are used to customize vehicles, or more often, used to replace part of a car body that has been damaged in an accident. Visit this site for an overview of the auto body parts industry.
- Auto Insurance Companies
If you have a driveable vehicle, you will want to have auto insurance. Auto insurance provides protection against losses in an auto accident. This website explains the different types of automobile insurance.
- Blue-veined Cheeses
Blue-veined cheeses were discovered by accident. Learn more about this sharp-flavored cheese, including how to make it, on this informative website.
The following articles provide recent accident-related news.
The following pages provide more extensive accident news.
- Accident News
Recent news stories about the topic accidents, aggregated from diverse, English-language news sources.
Regional Directory News.
- Accident Tweets
Recent English-language tweets that include the hashtag accidents.
The following digital image illustrates the word accident.
Auto Accident
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