The word assistance is a noun. Assistance means (1) the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose, (2) a resource.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word assistance.
- Automattic
Automattic began in 2005. Its most well-known product is WordPress which is an open-source blogging site. WordPress is noted for its ease of use. The website provides information about signing up for WordPress and assistance in setting up a blog. There are also links to blogs that use WordPress.
- Export-Import Bank of the United States
For over 70 years, The Ex-Im Bank has been the official export credit agency of the United States. Its mission is to finance the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets. On the website, users can find out how to obtain advice and loans. There is also more information about the Agency and forms to apply for assistance. Specific countries and their needs are also discussed.
- For Sale By Owner
This website offers all kinds of assistance to users who want to sell their homes themselves. The site provides reasons for not working with a realtor, information about neighborhoods, mortgages, a place to search for a home, real estate forms, information on finding appraisers, cost of living calculators, credit reports, and a complete guide to selling your home yourself.
- International Monetary Fund
The IMF, located in Washington D.C., was founded in 1944 along with the World Bank. The IMF has three main types of work: surveillance of the world's finances, lending money to countries, technical assistance and training. At the same time, IMF keeps copious statistics and reports. The website describes their efforts, gives statistics, IMF news, publications, and more.
- LSC: Legal Services Corporation
LSC, created by Congress in 1974, is charged with providing equal access to justice for all Americans. It strives to provide low-income Americans with high-quality civil legal assistance. It also provides grants to local legal services organizations. On the website, users can find LSC program information and learn where to obtain legal aid in each State. Current news from the Office and success story links are included on the site.
- National Conference of State Legislatures
The NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of the nation's fifty states, its commonwealths, and its territories. It provides research, technical assistance, and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas about current state issues. It is an effective advocate for the interests of state governments before Congress and federal government agencies.
- National Governors Association
Founded in 1908, this bipartisan organization of the nation's governors promotes visionary state leadership, shares best practices on a variety of issues, and represents the states on Capitol Hill and before the Administration. The NGA also provides management and technical assistance to new and incumbent governors.
- RBS: Royal Bank of Scotland
The RBS, founded in 1727, is a financial institution that is based in the UK. It is also one of the largest banks in the USA. The Bank owns many other businesses such as the Citizens Financial Group in Providence R.I.; TRACKER, a stolen vehicle tracker; Green Flag, a motorist assistance service; and many others, all described on the website. The corporate structure and their services are on the website.
- ViaMichelin
ViaMichelin designs, develops and markets digital travel assistance products and services. ViaMichelin targets Europe road users and companies with maps, route planning, hotel and restaurant information, tourist sites, weather, and more. Users search by destination on the website and can choose what information they want to know, complete with maps that show them how to get there.
- The World Bank
The World Bank, which began in 1944, is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. On the website, users can learn about the organization of the World Bank, Country Issues, Topical Issues, and Doing Business with the World Bank. There is also information about the data and research it conducts and gathers, and its publications.
The following articles provide recent assistance-related news.
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