The word bulk is a noun. Bulk means (1) the property possessed by a large mass, (2) the property of something that is great in magnitude, (3) the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part.
Bulk is also a verb that means (1) cause to bulge or swell outwards, (2) stick out or up.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word bulk.
- Bottled and Bulk Water
Check out this bottled and bulk water retailer directory for information about bottled water and bulk water retailers in the United States. The photo on this web page depicts bottled water.
- Sympa
Sympa is an open-source mailing list software package. The software is able to build mailing lists based on RDBMS (many supported databases) and LDAP directories. Some of its more advanced features are a bulk emailer, service messages and web pages defined by templates, external antiviral plug-in, and much more. The website describes the program, downloading it, service, and other users.
- Liquidation.com
Auctions surplus inventory from large retailers. Included are apparel, computers, housewares, electronics, vehicles, and more. Sells bulk lots by truckload, pallet, etc.
The following articles provide recent bulk-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the word bulk.
Bulk Tea in a Tea Market
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