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The word central is a noun.  Central means (1) a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communicationCentral is also an adjective that means (1) in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner areaCentral is also an adjective that means (1) centrally located and easy to reach, (2) serving as an essential componentCentral is also an adjective that means (1) used in the description of a place that in the middle of another place.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word central.
  • Central Air Conditioning
    Picture of a central air conditioning compressor partially covered with snow. Central air conditioning is a luxury on hot summer days, and a must in sticky, humid climates.
  • How Central Air Works
    Central air conditioning helps keeps home and buildings cool on hot, muggy days. Learn more about how it works with this helpful guide to central air.
  • Central Asia Map
    Find a helpful topographical map of central Asia including Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other central Asian countries as well as and parts of China, India, Mongolia, and Russia.
  • Central America Map
    Central America is located at the southern-most part of North America, and comprises the 7 nations of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
  • Central America Topo Map
    This helpful page includes a topographical map of Central America, travel information about the region, and an explanation of the map.
  • Cookie Central
    Cookie Central provides the user with a lot of information about what cookies are and how to eliminate them. They sell several kinds of software such as HistoryKill which automatically eliminates web search history and allows the user to decide which cookies to keep and which to delete. Other products are Webroot Window Washer, Spy Sweeper, Cookie Pal, Cookie Crusher, and others.
  • Manuscript Central
    Manuscript Central is a division of ScholarOne, a Thomson Business. It is a web-based, database-driven peer review and online submission application for scholarly publishers. The system reduces time to decision, eliminates paper distribution costs, decreases administrative overhead, and increases submissions. Over 170 publishers and societies are using this product. More details on the website.
  • Official Google Webmaster Central Blog
    News about crawling and indexing sites for the Google Index. This site provides information about how the Google webmaster can contact users by notification on the Google Webmaster console. The Webmaster can communicate in many languages.
  • Word Central
    Student dictionary, thesaurus, online word games, and a daily buzzword from Merriam-Webster.
  • PubMed Central (PMC)
    PMC is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. PMC was developed and is operated by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a division of the National Library of Medicine. Articles are submitted by journal publishers, and they are available to users in full-text. Users can search by journal title or subject.
  • Federal Reserve - Services
    The Federal Reserve provides certain financial services to member banks and to the federal government. These services include payment systems solutions as well as currency distribution operations.
  • Vacuum Cleaning System Directory
    Visit this vacuum cleaning system supplier directory for information about vacuum cleaning systems and vacuum cleaning solutions providers in the USA. The photo on this page shows a central vacuum system hose and power head.
  • Bicycle Wheelsets
    Traditional bicycle wheels contain a central hub surrounded by wire spokes that connect the hub to a circular rim. This bicycle wheelset guide includes links to bicycle wheel suppliers.
  • Chocolate Varieties
    Chocolate is a food made that is from the beans of cocoa trees. Learn about the two species of cocoa trees are native to Central America and the Amazon River basin in South America.
  • World Currencies
    This website gives a brief detail about world currencies and exchange rates. Information about the European Central Bank and other related topics is included.
  • Federal Reserve
    The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. The Federal Reserve Bank is in change of ensuring the stability of the currency and monetary system of the United States.
  • Map Of Germany
    Located in central Europe, Germany is bordered by Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, by Austria and Switzerland to the south, by France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands to the west, and by Denmark to the north.
  • Map Of Mexico
    Located on the continent of North America; Mexico is bounded by the USA to the north, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, and Central America to the southeast.
  • Map Of North America
    The North American continent includes Canada, the United States of America, Mexico, Greenland, the Caribbean islands, and the countries of Central America. Visit this site to view the North America map.
  • North America Map
    The continent of North America is located in the northern hemisphere and includes Canada, the United States, Mexico, the nations of Central America, Greenland, and the Caribbean Islands.
  • Room Air Conditioners
    Room air conditioners are typically used to cool one or two rooms and are inexpensive alternatives to central air conditioning systems. Most units are designed to fit conveniently in a double-hung window.
  • American Museum of Natural History
    The Museum, located on Central Park West in New York City, was founded in 1869 by several philanthropists, including Theodore Roosevelt. The Museum has an enormous collection of animals, an anthropological collection, a Planetarium, and much more. On the website, users can find much more information about special exhibits, visiting, resources available on line, and more.
  • BalletMet Columbus
    Since 1978, this organization has provided artistic excellence in the field of dance to the Central Ohio region.
  • Government Grants
    Grants.gov was established in 2002 as part of the President's initiative to improve government services to the public. It is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs. Organizations can register once to be eligible for applying for grants in 26 federal agencies. The site also has Guides to help applicants through the Grants.gov process.
The following articles provide recent central-related news.

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