The word circuit is a noun. Circuit means (1) movement once around a course, (2) a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area, (3) an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow, (4) a racetrack for automobile races.
Circuit is also a verb that means (1) make a circuit.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word circuit.
- Electronic Components
Visit this electronic components manufacturer directory for information about electronic component manufacturers and wholesalers in the USA. The photo on this page depicts electronic components on a circuit board.
- Surveillance Equipment
Surveillance equipment is used to observe and record people's behavior. It can include listening devices, miniature cameras, telephone tapping devices, and closed circuit television cameras (CCTV).
- National Semiconductor
National Semiconductor creates high performance analog devices and subsystems. The company started in 1959 when its two founders invented the integrated circuit. Today National makes over 15,000 products. The website provides information about those products and how to buy them. It also contains information about new products, online seminars, events, and more.
The following articles provide recent circuit-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the word circuit.
Circuits on a Circuit Board
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