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The word company is a noun.  Company means (1) an institution created to conduct business, (2) a unit of firefighters including their equipment, (3) a social gathering of guests or companions, (4) organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical), (5) small military unit; usually two or three platoons, (6) crew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship, (7) a band of people associated temporarily in some activity, (8) a social or business visitor, (9) the state of being with someoneCompany is also a verb that means (1) be a companion to somebody.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word company.
  • The Boeing Company
    This is the official website for the Boeing Company, which traces its origins to the early 20th Century. Boeing today is the world's largest aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft. It is also a provider for NASA. The Company is headquartered in Chicago and employs more than 160,000 people worldwide. Website visitors can learn about Boeing's history and its innovative products.
  • The Company Corporation
    The Company Corporation, founded in 1899 in Delaware, helps small businesses incorporate and form LLCs (Limited Liability Companies). Besides these services, the website offers lots of information that small businesses need such as a glossary of common terminology, registering a company name, tax services, and much more. Users can subscribe to a free quarterly Business Builder enewsletter.
  • Eastman Kodak Company
    The Kodak company was founded in 1888 with the production of simple cameras. Today the firm is a multinational company that produces cameras and photography supplies of all sorts which can be purchased on the website. Kodak also supplies imaging products for the aerospace industry, cinema and television, OLED supplies, and much more.
  • McKinsey & Company
    McKinsey & Company, established in 1926, with 90 locations in 51 countries, is a global management firm. Their goal is to help business manage change, reorganize, automate, prevent take-overs, and other kinds of business management problems. The company works with a wide spectrum of business types. The website describes their services, how to contact them, and how to work for them.
  • Construction Company Directory
    Visit this construction company directory to find construction companies and construction services in the United States of America. The illustration on this page depicts office skyscraper construction projects.
  • Gas Company Directory
    Check out this gas company directory to find gas companies in the United States of America. The photograph on this page depicts a residential natural gas meter.
  • Dow Chemical Company
    The Dow Company began in 1897 as a producer of Bleach. Today Dow has a number of Operating Segments and Businesses within them. They manufacture plastics, chemicals, agroscience products, hydroproducts and much more. On the website, users can find information about all the Dow products, about Dow's commitment to Sustainability, and much more.
  • Gannett Company
    Gannett is a diverse news, information and communications company that was founded in 1906 with the Elmira Gazette. Today it is the largest newspaper publisher in the U.S. and has approximately 7.2 million subscribers. Gannett has a large presence on the Internet with USATODAY.com as one of the most popular news sites on the web. The site has much more information including a list of publications.
  • American Folder Company
    American Folder Company strives to provide high quality filing supplies at low prices, with first class customer service and fast shipping.
  • Mystic Stamp Company
    Founded in 1923, Mystic Stamp Company is a rare stamp dealer that is well-known for its philatelic expertise.
  • Genentech - A Biotechnology Research Company
    Genentech is considered the founder of the biotechnology industry. It uses human genetic information to discover, develop, commercialize, and manufacture biotherapeutics. Founded in 1976, its main headquarters are in San Francisco. The website contains information about the products, free provision of drugs for qualified patients, and information about its current research products.
  • Periodicals Service Company
    PSC is a reprinter of academic journals that specializes in the supply of antiquarian backsets, back volumes and back issues of out-of-print journals and serials.
  • Car Rental Companies
    Whether traveling for business or pleasure, the chances are good that at some point you will need to rent a car. Visit this website to learn the ins and out of renting a car.
  • Investment Companies
    Investment companies offer a variety of investment opportunities including mutual funds, closed-end funds, and unit investment trusts.
  • Nano-Tech Companies
    Nanotechnology refers to technological developments on the nanometer scale. One nanometer equals one-thousandth of a micrometer or one-millionth of a millimeter.
  • DreamHost Web Hosting
    DreamHost is an employee-owned company that was founded in 1993 by four MIT undergraduates. The company now hosts over 500,000 websites. The company prides itself on being totally green. DreamHost offers a number of pricing plans, all of which are explained on the website. Information about contacting the company to host a site are also on the site.
  • BAE Systems
    BAE Systems is a global company engaged in the development, delivery and support of advanced defense and aerospace systems in the air, on land, and at sea. They are the #1 defense company in Europe and have branches in the U.S., Australia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the UK, Sweden, and the U.S. The website describes company and the many products that it produces.
  • Hasbro
    During the 1920s, two brothers founded Hasbro. In the 1935 the company launched the game Monopoly, which became the world's best-selling game. The Company has produced a number of other famous games such as Scrabble, Mr. Potato Head, and G.I. Joe. In the 1990s the company acquired Parker Brothers and Mattel. Users to the website can find out more about their products and play games online.
  • 3M.com
    3M is a manufacturer of thousands of products including things as diverse as dental products and management software. It has operations in 26 states and 60 other countries. The website is a source for info about the company, what it produces, how to obtain products, and information about investing in the company.
  • Alcatel-Lucent
    Alcatel-Lucent, a merger of a French and an American company, is a producer of telecom solutions for businesses, governments, and service providers. It manufacturers both hardware and software and provides telecommunications services. The website describes the company, the products, and the services provided and how to obtain them.
  • Atlassian Software Systems
    Atlassian, an Australian company, is a global software company that has 7000 customers in over 87 countries. Their mission is to respond rapidly to customer needs and they have a reputation for excellent service. Their four main products are JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, and Crowd all of which are management tools and thoroughly described on the website.
  • Bloomberg.com
    Founded in 1981, Bloomberg.com provides information to the business and financial communities. The company accesses, reports, analyzes, and distributes news. Based in NYC, the company has branches in 125 offices around the world and has 9000 employees.
  • BP (British Petroleum)
    This is the website for the British Petroleum company, one of the largest energy companies in the world with roots in the early twentieth century. BP has a number of gasoline products, owns gas stations, and produces a number of other automotive products. The website provides a history of the company and description of all its products and services.
The following articles provide recent company-related news.

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