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The word consortium is a noun.  Consortium means (1) an association of companies for some definite purpose.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word consortium.
  • W3: World Wide Web Consortium
    W3C is a worldwide international consortium where members work toward establishing web standards. Since 1994 the Consortium has published more than 90 standards called W3C Recommendations. The website describes the consortium, has links to the Recommendations and information about becoming a member.
  • Internet Systems Consortium
    ISC is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation dedicated to supporting the infrastructure of the universal, connected, self-organizing Internet by developing and maintaining core production quality software, protocols, and operations. On the website, users can find out information about software, publications, training, and much more.
    OASIS, Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, is a not-for-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards for the global information society. The Consortium, founded in 1993, has more than 4000 participants from 600 organizations globally. On the website, users can find out how to participate and more about OASIS.
    The members of The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics are leading research organizations from 18 countries in Europe. Their aim is to foster collaborative work between people in the fields of applied mathematics and computer science. The website is a guide to the various projects and events of the organization.
  • OCLC: Online Computer Library Center
    OCLC, located Dublin, Ohio, was founded as a cooperative library consortium. It is a non-profit, membership, computer library service and research organization. There are more than 57,000 member libraries in 112 countries. Their services include locating, acquiring, cataloging, lending and preserving library materials. Users can access WorldCat to locate items from anywhere in the world.
  • OMG: Object Management Group
    The OMG, started in 1989, is an international, open-membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium. OMG Task Forces develop standards for a wide range of technologies, including Real-time, Embedded and Specialized systems, analysis & design, architecture-driven modernization and Middleware. On the website is complete information about all the OMG projects and task forces and how to join.
The following articles provide recent consortium-related news.

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