The word eyeglass is a noun. Eyeglass means (1) lens for correcting defective vision in one eye; held in place by facial muscles.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word eyeglass.
- Eyeglass Lenses
Eyeglass lenses correct refractive errors in vision. Lenses may be for nearsightedness or farsightedness; they may be unifocal, bifocal, or trifocal.
- Eyeglass Directory
Browse this eyewear supplier directory for information about eyewear product and service providers in the United States of America. The photo on this page shows a young woman wearing eyeglasses.
- Eyeglasses and Sunglasses
Visit this eyeglasses and sunglasses retailer directory to find eyeglass and sunglass retailers in the United States. The photo on this web page depicts a young woman wearing sunglasses.
The following article provides recent eyeglass-related news.
The following pages provide more extensive eyeglass news.
- Eyewear News
Recent news stories about the topic eyeglass, aggregated from diverse, English-language news sources.
Regional Directory News.
- Eyeglass Tweets
Recent English-language tweets that include the hashtag eyeglass.
The following digital image illustrates the word eyeglass.
Elderly Gentleman Reading with an Eyeglass
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