The word headset is a noun. Headset means (1) receiver consisting of a pair of headphones.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word headset.
- Bicycle Headsets
The pair of bearings connecting the fork to the frame of a bicycle is called a headset. Learn more and find links to bicycle headset makers.
- Answering Service Directory
Browse this answering service provider directory for information about answering services in the United States of America. The photo on this page shows a customer service representative wearing a telephone headset.
- Bicycle Parts
A bicycle is made of many components, including the frame, tires and tubes, wheelsets, seats, brakes, hubs, headset, bottom bracket, crank, front and rear derailleur, gear cassettes, and shifters.
The following articles provide recent headset-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the word headset.
Young Woman Wearing a Telephone Headset
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