The word justice is a noun. Justice means (1) the administration of law; the act of determining rights and assigning rewards or punishments, (2) the quality of being just or fair, (3) a public official authorized to decide questions bought before a court of justice.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word justice.
- United States Department of Justice
The mission of the DOJ, founded in 1870, is to enforce the laws and defend the interests of the U.S. The DOJ has a number of Task Forces such as the Corporate Fraud Task Force and the Identity Theft Task Force. It also has initiatives to combat terrorism, fight trafficking in persons, prevent youth violence, help victims of crime, apprehend fugitives, halt domestic violence, and much more.
- Civil Law Attorney Directory
Browse this civil law attorney directory for information about civil law attorneys in the USA. The photo on this page shows a courtroom, including a gavel, law books, and scales of justice.
- LSC: Legal Services Corporation
LSC, created by Congress in 1974, is charged with providing equal access to justice for all Americans. It strives to provide low-income Americans with high-quality civil legal assistance. It also provides grants to local legal services organizations. On the website, users can find LSC program information and learn where to obtain legal aid in each State. Current news from the Office and success story links are included on the site.
The following articles provide recent justice-related news.
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