The word minimize is a verb. Minimize means (1) make small or insignificant, (2) represent as less significant or important, (3) belittle.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word minimize.
- Hedge Funds
A hedge fund is designed to minimize exposure to market risk and thereby boost investment returns. To do that, hedge fund managers employ a number of counterbalancing techniques.
- iBuilt.net
iBuilt offers website building and management software. The company works to minimize costs by minimizing design and maintenance costs. On the website, users can find information about iBuilt's products, support manager, design categories for help with specific kinds of websites, a free trial, sample websites, and more.
- United States Geological Survey
The USGS provides the nation with scientific information about the Earth. This information is used to help manage the country's natural resources efficiently, minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters, and protect and enhance our quality of life.
The following digital image illustrates the word minimize.
Minimize Icon
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