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Ohio is a proper noun.  Ohio is (1) a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region, (2) a river that is formed in western Pennsylvania and flows westward to become a tributary of the Mississippi River.
The following articles provide more information about the proper noun Ohio.
  • Ohio Map
    Ohio is the 35th largest state in the USA, bounded by Pennsylvania, Indiana, West Virginia, Michigan, and Kentucky. Visit this site to learn more about the state and view printable maps of Ohio.
  • Ohio Real Estate Guide
    Learn about rural, suburban, and urban real estate markets in Ohio. Real estate agents, buyers, and sellers will appreciate the Ohio real estate resources on this page.
  • Ohio Atlas
    Ohio state history, geography, and travel information are the subjects of this Ohio atlas page.
  • Welcome to Ohio.gov
    Ohio's state capital city is Columbus. Learn about the Ohio state government agencies and services. Find Ohio travel and tourism information, and read about living and working in the Buckeye State.
  • Ohio National Parks
    This National Park directory page lists National Parks, Historic Landmarks, and Natural Landmarks in the State of Ohio. An interactive Ohio map, plus photos and highlights, are included thereon.
  • Ohio State University
    OSU, the largest state university, was first established in 1870 just north of Columbus. The total number of students at OSU is almost 52,000. The School has a dental school, law school, medical school, school of allied medical professions, The John Glenn School of Public Affairs, Business school, and others. Information about visiting and applying on the website.
  • Kent State University
    Kent State, founded in 1910, is located in Kent, Ohio. There are seven other branches in Northeast Ohio. Kent State is well known as the place where several students were killed during a 1970 war protest. Today there are 35,000 students and 570 full time tenured faculty. Kent State plays with the NCAA. Information on visiting and applying on the website.
  • BalletMet Columbus
    Since 1978, this organization has provided artistic excellence in the field of dance to the Central Ohio region.
  • City of Cleveland
    Official website of the City of Cleveland. Read about the Cleveland city government, as well as its services and resources. Learn about visiting and living in the city of Cleveland, Ohio.
  • City of Columbus
    The official website for the City of Columbus, Ohio has information about city department and services. Learn about the Columbus city government, and read about visiting and living in the city of Columbus.
  • Indiana Map
    Indiana is the 38th largest state in the USA, bounded by the states of Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan. Visit this site to learn more about Indiana, and view printable maps of Indiana.
  • Kentucky Map
    Kentucky is the 36th largest state in the United States, and is bordered by Indiana, Tennessee, West Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois.
  • Michigan Map
    Michigan is the 22nd largest state in the USA, bordered by Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and the Canadian Province of Ontario.
  • Pennsylvania Map
    Pennsylvania is the 32nd largest state in the USA, bordered by New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, West Virginia, and Lake Erie. Visit this site to view printable road maps of Pennsylvania.
  • West Virginia Map
    West Virginia is the 41st largest USA state, surrounded by Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. Visit this site to learn more and find printable road, topo, and relief maps of West Virginia.
  • CAS - Chemical Abstracts Service
    CAS, located in Columbus, Ohio, is a division of the American Chemical Society. It is the producer of the largest and most comprehensive databases of chemical information. Its principal databases are Chemical Abstracts (CA), which contains over 27 million documents. CAS offers online, web-based, desk-top, print, and CD-ROM access to its databases, all available by subscription.
  • OCLC: Online Computer Library Center
    OCLC, located Dublin, Ohio, was founded as a cooperative library consortium. It is a non-profit, membership, computer library service and research organization. There are more than 57,000 member libraries in 112 countries. Their services include locating, acquiring, cataloging, lending and preserving library materials. Users can access WorldCat to locate items from anywhere in the world.
  • Cleveland.com - The Plain Dealer
    Cleveland.com provides 24/7 news, information, and social interaction - collecting many sources to inform, engage and entertain. The site gives readers what they need to know about northeast Ohio. Cleveland.com is the online home of The Plain Dealer, featuring real-time news, sports, entertainment, lifestyles, politics and business news.
  • The Columbus Dispatch
    Columbus Ohio's hometown newspaper. Distributed in central Ohio, the Columbus Dispatch prints breaking news, business, weather politics, and sports.
The following articles provide recent Ohio-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the proper noun Ohio.
Ohio Flag Ohio Flag
Ohio Flag

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