The word oxford is a noun. Oxford means (1) a low shoe laced over the instep.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word oxford.
- Oxford Brookes University
Oxford Brookes University traces its beginnings to 1865. The School describes itself as modern and lists its many honors and awards. There are almost 19,000 students at Brookes, 20% of whom are international students. Nearly 10% of the students study through distance learning. The website describes the school, its programs, and the application procedure.
- Oxford University
Oxford University is, with Cambridge, one of the most prestigious Universities in Great Britain. There are approximately 18,000 students in residence. The exact date of its founding is unknown but there was some education taking place there in 1096. The website contains a history of the University, information about applying, and descriptions of the associated museums, libraries, and buildings.
The following articles provide recent oxford-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the word oxford.
Oxford Work Shoes and Socks
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