The word professor is a noun. Professor means (1) someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word professor.
- College Faculty
College is an excellent way to further skills or update education. Find out about the role of college faculty in higher learning and find links to college and university career resources.
- Don Lent Studio
Contains biographical information about the artist, Dana Professor Emeritus of Art at Bates College. Website includes paintings, drawings, and etchings. Lent maintains a studio in New Hampshire and exhibits in galleries in Maine and New Hampshire.
GNU is an operating system composed entirely of free software. Its design is Unix-like. GNU offers numerous systems and software programs. GNU stands for Gnu's Not Unix, and was developed, along with a GNU Manifesto, by Richard Stallman, a former MIT professor.
The following articles provide recent professor-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the word professor.
College Professor Preparing a Lesson
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