The word project is a noun. Project means (1) any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted, (2) a planned undertaking.
Project is also a verb that means (1) present for consideration, (2) regard as objective, (3) communicate vividly, (4) transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another, (5) throw, send, or cast forward, (6) put or send forth, (7) imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind, (8) make or work out a plan for; devise, (9) draw a projection of, (10) project on a screen, (11) cause to be heard, (12) extend out or project in space.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word project.
- PMI: Project Management Institute
PMI, with more than 240,000 members in over 160 countries, is an organization for the project management profession. Project Managers follow a business or building project from start to finish. PMI offers support, education, advocacy, and information about processes for achieving the goals of the individual projects that PM's undertake. PM's can find out how to join on the website.
- The Web Standards Project
The Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all. The Project supports the standards of the w3 organization, which are followed by major Internet browsers; however, there are many non-valid sites. The goal of this project is to get all designers and web site content makers to conform to standards to improve access.
- Project Management
Find helpful information about home additions, building permits, construction blueprints, and everything you need to know to keep your home addition project running smoothly.
- Project Honey Pot
Project Honey Pot is a distributed system for identifying spammers and the spambots they use to scrape addresses from websites. It works by having participants add decoy web pages to their web sites that the Project then keeps track of and collates the data to detect robots, spiders, and crawlers. The website explains how the system works and how to participate.
- Project Gutenberg
Over 20,000 free, out of copyright, full-text titles, with another 80,000 additional titles from patrons and affiliates.
- Mozilla Project
Mozilla is a not-for-profit organization that develops and disseminates software products. They are the producers of Foxfire, a popular web browser, and Thunderbird, which provides access to email. The website describes the Mozilla Foundation and also provides information about joining.
- VideoLAN
VideoLAN, which began as a student project at the Ecole Centrale Paris, is a software project, which produces free software for video, released under the GNU General Public License. Their main product is the cross-platform VLC media player. On the website, users can find out more about the project, how to contribute to it, news, and events where it can be seen.
- Live Journal
Live Journal, begun in 1999 and based in San Francisco, is an online journal service with an emphasis on user interaction. The basic service is free; users who pay receive premium features style choices, userpics, links, and more. Live Journal is an open source software development project; users can participate in the project with ideas and suggestions. Instructions on how to join on the website.
- Civil Engineer Guide
Browse this civil engineering firm guide and directory to learn about civil engineers in the United States of America. The photo on this page shows a civil engineer inspecting a road building project.
- Civil Engineering Careers
This civil engineering firm page comprises information about civil engineering careers in the United States of America plus a photo of the Blue Ridge Parkway, a major civil engineering project.
- Roofing Equipment and Supplies
Visit this roofing equipment manufacturer directory for information about roofing equipment and supplies manufacturers and wholesalers in the United States. The photo on this page shows a roofer working on a roofing project.
- General Contractors
General contractors are firms that contract to do construction projects for owners of buildings or other facilities. A general contractor is responsible to construct a project in accord with contract document specifications.
- Remodeling for Resale
Before you choose a home remodeling project to work on, stop to consider your home's eventual resale value. Which remodeling projects will give you the best return on your investment?
- Addition Types
Room additions can add space and value to your home. Learn about different types of structural additions and find helpful links about design, blueprints, and project management.
- Video Projectors
A video projector uses a video signal to project an image onto a screen. Video projectors use CRT, LCD, or DLP technology. Visit this site to learn more about video projectors.
- Chilling Effects Clearinghouse
This website, a project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and several Universities, aims to help users understand the protections of the First Amendment and intellectual property laws give to online users. It addresses abuses where a site owner is forced to remove information that may or may not be against the law. The site is searchable by topic such as copyright, linking, and more.
- Idealist.org
Idealist.org is a project of Action Without Borders, which was founded in 1995. Their mission is to connect people, organizations and resources to improve the world. The site lists over 62,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 165 countries. It also lists volunteer opportunities locally and around the world. The history of the organization and much more on the website.
- Made of Light
This architectural educational project provides a thought-provoking presentation and exhibition of the intersection between architecture and light.
- NetBSD
The Organization is an international effort to produce a freely available and redistributable UNIX-like operating system. NetBSD also contains a variety of other free software, including 4.4 BSD Lite from the University of California, Berkeley. The website explains their products, how to download, support, and how to make donations to the project.
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ORNL is a research and technology Laboratory under the auspices of the Department of Energy. It is located in Oak Ridge, Tenn. as part of the Manhattan Project in 1943. There are 1500 scientists working there and 3000 guest researchers every year. The website details the history of the program and information about the projects.
- ServiceMagic
This company was begun in 1998 to help consumers find the right home service professionals by prescreening contractors. Users find contractors by first choosing the kind of project they want done and location; that prompts contractors to contact the user. The website also contains articles and advice about different home improvement projects and renovations.
- Squid: Optimising Web Delivery
Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients, supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Internet caching is a way of capturing requested Internet objects that saves the user time and bandwidth consumption. The website describes the product in a general way and also in its technicalities. Also information about how to join and contribute to the Squid Project.
- WordPress
WordPress, founded in 2003, is a self-hosted blogging tool. It is an open-source project and can be downloaded for free. The website contains information about WordPress, how to use it, and how to download it.
The following articles provide recent project-related news.
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