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The word rack is a noun.  Rack means (1) a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately, (2) a support for displaying various articles, (3) framework for holding objects, (4) an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims, (5) the destruction or collapse of something, (6) rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or muttonRack is also a verb that means (1) torture on the rack, (2) seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block, (3) work on a rack, (4) stretch to the limits, (5) torment emotionally or mentally, (6) draw off from the lees, (7) fly in high wind, (8) run before a gale, (9) go at a rack, (10) obtain by coercion or intimidation, (11) put on a rack and pinion.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word rack.
  • Bicycle Racks Directory
    Visit this bicycle rack supplier directory for information about bicycle racks and bike rack suppliers in the United States. The photo on this page depicts several bicycle racks by the seaside.
  • Bike Racks
    There are several different kinds of bike racks. Some are used to securely attach a bicycle to prevent theft, while others are used to transport items on a bicycle.
  • Wines
    Browse this wines manufacturer directory for information about wine manufacturers and distributors in the USA. The photograph on this page depicts several wine bottles in a wine rack.
  • Restaurant Equipment and Supplies
    Check out this restaurant equipment and supplies retailer directory to find restaurant equipment and restaurant supplies retailers in the USA. The photo on this page depicts restaurant kitchen utensils hanging on a rack.
  • Used Clothing
    Visit this used clothing retailer directory for information about used clothing retailers in the USA. The photo on this web page depicts used clothing on a thrift store rack.
The following articles provide recent rack-related news.

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