The word scientific is an adjective. Scientific means (1) conforming with the principles or methods used in science, (2) of or relating to the practice of science.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word scientific.
- International Center for Scientific Research
Located in France, CIRS is an international scientific organization created in 1998 to promote all aspects of science and scientific research. On the website, users can find a directory of researchers worldwide, an international directory of scientific prizes and awards and their winners, libraries and scientific bookshops, a directory of major scientific journals, and bibliographies.
- Freedom Scientific
Freedom Scientific produces assistive and adaptive technology for individuals who are blind, or how low vision or learning disabilities. The website contains information about products that can take notes, translate documents into Braille, screen magnification devices, and the accessories which go with these products. Also online are links to support services and training.
- ScientificAmerican.com
This is the website for Scientific American, the oldest continuously published scientific magazine in America, founded in 1845. The website has many news stories and articles of scientific interest in all fields. Also subscription information and information about accessing the archives.
BMJ is the British Medical Journal, a publication of the British Medical Association that has been online since 1995; the paper publication since 1840. The Journal's aim is to publish original scientific studies, review and educational articles, and papers commenting on the clinical, social, scientific, political and economic factors affecting health.
- American Ornithology
Founded in 1883, the American Ornithologists' Union is dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of birds, to enriching ornithology as a profession, and to promoting a rigorous scientific basis for the conservation of birds. Although it is primarily an organization for ornithologists, it does include in its ranks many students, conservationists, birders, and others who appreciate birds and enjoy birding.
- Nanotechnology Scientists
Nanotechnology is on the cutting-edge of scientific research. Learn about some of the big names in nanotechnology with this guide to nanotech scientists and business leaders.
- Theory Of Evolution
As scientific knowledge increases, the theory of evolution as proposed by Charles Darwin has come under scrutiny. Visit this site to learn about the theory of evolution versus creationism.
- CiteSeer
CiteSeer is a Scientific Literature Digital Library, hosted by Penn State University School of Information Sciences and Technology. The citations are mostly to articles in computer science and technology. CiteSeer is unique in that it allows searching by algorithm, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software as well as author, title, and subject.
- American Psychological Association
Based in Washington D.C., the APA is a scientific and professional organization with 148,000 members worldwide. The website describes the organization, mission, programs, policies, reports, and membership information.
- Cisco
Cisco designs and sells networking and communications systems. It was originally developed at Stanford University in 1984. It was the first company to successfully market the network router. There are four brands: Cisco, Linksys, Scientific Atlantic, and WebEx.
CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, is Australia's largest national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world. CSIRO offers educational resources for schools and at-home science for all ages. Its flagship projects include everything from space to mining and health. All described on the website.
- LiveScience
LiveScience is a science news website produced by the Imaginova Corporation. The site covers science news, complex scientific questions, and ideas. The site is searchable by subjects: space, animals, health, environment, technology, history, strange news and other features like Editor's Choice. There is also a store where users can purchase all kinds of science related games, toys, and much more.
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The mission of NASA is to pioneer the future in space exploration, space science discovery, and aeronautics research. Throughout its history, NASA has conducted or funded scientific research that has led to many inventions and improvements to life here on Earth.
- Nature Publishing Group
Nature.com is the publisher of many journals including the popular title Nature, a prestigious journal that is one of the few that publishes articles in many scientific disciplines. The journals are available by subscription and can be accessed through the Nature.com website. There are also many articles available free that are accessed by a subject search.
- NIMH: National Institute of Mental Health
The NIMH, founded in 1946 and part of the National Institutes of Health, is the lead Federal agency for research on mental and behavioral disorders. The website provides information about mental disorders, searchable by type. There is also information about research and funding, clinical trials, scientific meetings, publications, news and more.
- Science Magazine
Science Magazine is published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed journal. Along with Nature, a British publication, it is one of the few journals to deal with scientific topics from all fields. The website provides selected material free; complete information and full access is by subscription.
- Scopus
Scopus, an Elsevier product, is a subscription-only abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. It includes journal publications, conference proceedings, scientific web pages, patents, and an alert service. It also has smart tools to track, visualize, and analyze research. On the website, users can get a free trial and view a demo.
- Sigma-Aldrich
Sigma-Aldrich, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is a Life Science and High Technology company. They manufacture biochemical and organic chemical kits used in scientific and genomic research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical development, diagnosis of disease, and key components in pharmaceuticals. Users can learn about the company and order chemicals from the website.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was founded in 1945 as a specialized United Nations Agency. UNESCO works on such problems as worldwide literacy, education, the elimination of poverty, and helping nations reach sustainability. The website is the source for finding out about their projects, publications, and history.
- United States Geological Survey
The USGS provides the nation with scientific information about the Earth. This information is used to help manage the country's natural resources efficiently, minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters, and protect and enhance our quality of life.
- Association of Field Ornithologists
The Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) is a society of professional and amateur ornithologists dedicated to the scientific study and dissemination of information about birds in their natural habitats. Founded in 1922 as the New England Bird Banding Association, this origin promoted an emphasis on bird banding and field techniques. Today, the AFO publishes the Journal of Field Ornithology and serves as a bridge between the professional and the amateur ornithologist.
The following articles provide recent scientific-related news.
The following pages provide more extensive scientific news.
- Science News
Recent news stories about the topic scientific, aggregated from diverse, English-language news sources.
Regional Directory News.
- Scientific Tweets
Recent English-language tweets that include the hashtag scientific.
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