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The word security is a noun.  Security means (1) measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc., (2) an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in, (3) a guarantee that an obligation will be met, (4) freedom from anxiety or fear, (5) a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers, (6) defense against financial failure; financial independence, (7) property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation, (8) a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends, (9) the state of being free from danger or injury.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word security.
  • Home Security Systems
    Home security systems provide protection from intruders and help keep your home and property safe. There are many different types of security systems available.
  • Home Security System Vendors
    Home security systems help keep your home and family safe. Learn more about home security systems and find helpful links to home security system vendors.
  • Social Security
    This Social Security services provider directory contains information about Social Security service providers in virtually every state of the USA. The digital image on the home page depicts a Social Security card.
  • United States Department of Homeland Security
    The Department of Homeland Security was founded in 2003 as part of the National Strategy for Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Act of 2002. The website contains a National Threat Advisory, the current National Response Plan, Information about immigration, travel security and procedures, prevention and protection and much more.
  • Security Systems
    Browse this security systems manufacturer directory for information about security systems manufacturers in the United States. The illustration on this page depicts an iris scanning security system.
  • Social Security Online
    This is the official website of the U.S. Social Security Administration. On it, users can apply for cards, check social security records, check and plan for retirement, find information about Medicare, check on disability benefits, widow and widower benefits, and more. There is also a news section, a link to a site that discusses the future of social security, forms and publications, and more.
  • NSA: National Security Agency
    The National Security Agency/Central Security Service, located at Forte Meade, Maryland, is America's cryptologic organization. Its job is to protect U.S. government information systems. The NSA also conducts R&D programs that have benefited American business. The NSA runs the National Cryptologic Museum. Information about its programs, research, history, and the museum on the website.
  • National Security Directory
    Browse this national security directory to find national security solution providers throughout the USA. The photo on this page depicts the iron fence in front of the White House in Washington, DC.
  • Social Security Administration
    This is the online site for the U.S. Social Security Administration. It began as the Social Security Board, founded by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935. The website provides a vast amount of information from applying for benefits to obtaining a new card. There is a link to lists of the most popular baby names by year, and all kinds of information about types of benefits and how to get them.
  • Email Security
    Many firms fail to realize the importance of email security. With cyber crime on the rise it is vital that your messages are sent via encrypted email. Email encryption is fast and easy with SSLpost.
  • SearchSecurity.com
    SearchSecurity and Information Security Magazine are products of TechTarget. The website provides information about the Needham, MA company and free membership that provides access to computer security news and information.
  • SANS Institute
    SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Institute was established in 1989 as a cooperative research and education organization. It is the largest source for information security training, certification and research. Many SANS resources such as Storm Center are free, as are many original research papers. SANS trains more than 12,000 people a year. Information about training is on the website.
  • McAfee
    McAfee provides computer anti-virus software and Internet security for PCs. The website has information about McAfee products, downloading information, pricing, virus information, and support for users.
  • Check Point Software Technologies
    Check Point Software was founded in 1993 and is located in California and Tel Aviv, Israel. The Company is a leader in corporate firewall, personal firewall, data security, and VPN markets. There are also components that protect PC's from hackers, spyware, and data theft. Check Point's customers include all Fortune 100 companies. Users can find out how to purchase the products on the website.
  • Windows Live OneCare
    This is an all-in-one security product for Windows. It is antivirus, antispyware, anti-phishing, has firewall, performance tune-ups, and backup and restore. Users can try it for free for 30 days. There is also information about the latest threats and a place to search for viruses. This link lets the user know what kind of threat it is, how to tell if a computer is infected, and what to do about it.
  • Burglar Alarms
    Check out this burglar alarms vendor directory for information about burglar alarm manufacturers and distributors in the United States. The photo on this page shows a hand setting a home burglar alarm.
  • Bicycle Locks
    Bicycle locks secure bikes and prevent theft. Learn about different types of locks, bars, cables, and chains, and find links to bicycle lock suppliers.
  • Internet Information Guide
    This Internet guide comprises hundreds of carefully selected and categorized web pages about various Internet-related topics.
  • 3Com
    3Com is a producer of software to protect Internet safety. The website provides the user with information about all the products, case studies, support, and information about downloading and where to purchase.
  • Anonymizer
    Anonymizer provides online privacy and identity protection solutions. It works for government, businesses, and personal users. Among its other features, Anonymizer software has a digital shredder component. The website describes the products and how to obtain them.
  • GeoTrust
    GeoTrust, with corporate headquarters in Massachusetts, is a leader in online identity and trust services. More than 100,000 companies in over 150,000 countries use GeoTrust products to secure online transactions and confirm and protect identities to facilitate ecommerce. The company's products include SSL Certificates, Client Certificates, Identity Verification, and Signing Services.
  • GnuPG
    GnuPG stands for Gnu Privacy Guard. It is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and create digital signatures. GnuPG is free. The website provides detailed information about the program, downloading it, support, installation, new developments, and more.
  • Project Honey Pot
    Project Honey Pot is a distributed system for identifying spammers and the spambots they use to scrape addresses from websites. It works by having participants add decoy web pages to their web sites that the Project then keeps track of and collates the data to detect robots, spiders, and crawlers. The website explains how the system works and how to participate.
  • Snort
    Snort, developed in 1998, is an open-source intrusion detection technology. It is capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. The website provides news, instructions for obtaining Snort, the rules for using it, documentation, training, forums, information about the Snort community, and a store.
  • SpamCop.net
    SpamCop is a service for reporting spam. It determines the origin of unwanted mail and reports it to the relevant Internet service providers. On the site, users can report spam, find out how to get spam-free mail, use a free blocking list, find out about the blocking list, and much more.
The following articles provide recent security-related news. The following pages provide more extensive security news.
  • Security News
    Recent news stories about the topic security, aggregated from diverse, English-language news sources.
    Regional Directory News. 
  • Security Tweets
    Recent English-language tweets that include the hashtag security.

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