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The word staff is a noun.  Staff means (1) a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose, (2) (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written, (3) a rod carried as a symbol, (4) the body of teachers and administrators at a school, (5) personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task, (6) building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decorationStaff is also a verb that means (1) provide with staff, (2) serve on the staff of.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word staff.
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff
    The Joint Chiefs of Staff was officially formed after World War II by the National Security Act of 1947. The site contains news and photographs of the U.S. Military, as well as a link to the National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism. There are also links to all the other branches of the Military and to the specific combatant commands around the world.
  • College Faculty
    College is an excellent way to further skills or update education. Find out about the role of college faculty in higher learning and find links to college and university career resources.
  • University of Bath
    The University of Bath is located in Bath, England. It received a Royal Charter in 1966 but its origins go back to the 16 Century. There are almost 12,000 students and about 1400 academic staff. The website has links to information about the University, visiting, and how to apply.
  • Blackboard
    Blackboard is a software product especially suited to an educational setting. It connects students, faculty, administration, and staff. It facilitates communication between large and small groups, including exchanges at the classroom level whereby teachers and students can exchange material and ideas. The website describes the various products, the support offered, and how to obtain the software.
  • CDW
    CDW, located in Illinois, was founded in 1984. It is a provider of technology products and services for business, government, and education. CDW offers both items for sale and also leasing options. Their staff is knowledgeable about bandwidth, telephony, storage, security, power, network design, and software licensing. The website contains information about products and how to contact CDW.
  • IUCN - The World Conservation Union
    The IUCN, located in Geneva, is a multicultural, multilingual organization with staff in 40 countries. Its mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies to preserve the natural world and achieve sustainability. The IUCN monitors endangered species, conducts and supports research, disseminates knowledge through its bookstore, and is an official observer at the UN General Assembly.
  • Michigan State University
    Michigan State University, located in East Lansing, Michigan,is a Land-Grant University and member of The Big Ten Athletic Conference. It was founded in 1855 as a prototype for land grant institutions established under the Morrell Act. There are between 45,000 and 50,000 students, undergraduate and graduate, and 4500 academic faculty and staff.
  • University of California System
    This is the website for the President of the University of California System. The site has links to all of the UC branches and information about governance, budgets, calendars, resources for faculty and staff, and more.
The following articles provide recent staff-related news.

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