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The word task is a noun.  Task means (1) any piece of work that is undertaken or attemptedTask is also a verb that means (1) use to the limit, (2) assign a task to.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word task.
  • IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
    The IETF is a voluntary international organization that convenes task forces and committee to study various issues related to Internet standards and protocols. The website describes the various committees. Originally part of the Federal Government, the Task Force has had independent status since the early 1990s.
  • Types of Lighting
    The four main lighting categories are task lighting, accent lighting, informational lighting, and ambient lighting. Learn about them on this page.
  • United States Department of Justice
    The mission of the DOJ, founded in 1870, is to enforce the laws and defend the interests of the U.S. The DOJ has a number of Task Forces such as the Corporate Fraud Task Force and the Identity Theft Task Force. It also has initiatives to combat terrorism, fight trafficking in persons, prevent youth violence, help victims of crime, apprehend fugitives, halt domestic violence, and much more.
  • OMG: Object Management Group
    The OMG, started in 1989, is an international, open-membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium. OMG Task Forces develop standards for a wide range of technologies, including Real-time, Embedded and Specialized systems, analysis & design, architecture-driven modernization and Middleware. On the website is complete information about all the OMG projects and task forces and how to join.
  • Moving Trucks
    No one enjoys the task of moving, but renting a moving truck can help to ease the load. Visit this site for tips about renting a moving truck or hiring a moving company.
The following articles provide recent task-related news.

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