The word wicker is a noun. Wicker means (1) work made of interlaced slender branches (especially willow branches), (2) slender flexible branches or twigs (especially of willow or some canes); used for wickerwork.
The following articles and web pages elaborate on the word wicker.
- Caring for Wicker Furniture
Wicker furniture can add a romantic touch to any room of the house. Learn how to keep your wicker furniture in good condition with this helpful guide to wicker furniture care.
- Wicker Furniture
Wicker furniture is constructed of hard woven plant fibers such as willow switches, rattan stalks, or straw reeds. Wicker furniture was popular in Victorian times and continues to hold nostalgic appeal.
- Wicker Gift Basket
A cellophane-wrapped and ribbon-tied gourmet gift basket is ready to present to a client. Included in the basket are sausages and cheese, crackers and nuts, and chips and dip.
- Furniture Information Guide
This furniture information guide features links to Amish furniture, wicker furniture, kitchen furniture, and more, as well as helpful buying guides.
- Outdoor Furniture
Visit this outdoor furniture manufacturer directory for information about outdoor furniture manufacturers and wholesalers in the USA. The photo on this page depicts white, outdoor wicker furniture on an oceanfront deck.
- Toys
Visit this toys manufacturer directory for info about toy manufacturers and wholesalers in the USA. The photograph on this page depicts assorted vintage toys in a wicker basket.
- Baskets
Check out this baskets retailer directory for information about basket retailers in the United States. The photo on this web page depicts a brown wicker basket with two handles.
- Home Furnishings
This guide to home furnishings contains information about, and links to, various home furnishings topics including Amish furniture, wicker furniture, and table lamps.
The following articles provide recent wicker-related news.
The following digital image illustrates the word wicker.
Wicker Basket Filled with Berries and Cherries
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